Iris Becker Elementary

District Calendar

Official Calendars

Parent Connect

Grades, attendance, and student information system

Student Portal

Student links and resources.

Welcome to our website!

Parent Survey for All Parents

Dear Parent/Guardian,  Becker Elementary is using this Parent Survey as a means to elicit your beliefs and opinions to help target areas for the school system to improve and areas to continue to be effective. Your opinion is important to us, and we ask that you...

Preschool Registration on April 7th

ATTENTION ALL DEARBORN SCHOOL FAMILIES WITH A FOUR-YEAR-OLD CHILD Dearborn Public Schools Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) is beginning the application process for the 2021-2022 school year. GSRP is a free program for all eligible families and is designed to give...

Welcome Back Becker Students

Welcome Back Becker Students

Dear Becker Families, We wanted to welcome you and our students back to school. A special thank you to the Khoucheich family and our PTA for donating the Welcome Back to School Sign. The students are so happy to be with us and we are even more excited to have them.

Parent Survey

Dear Parent/Guardian,  Iris Becker Elementary is using this Parent Survey as a means to elicit your beliefs and opinions to help target areas for the school system to improve and areas to continue to be effective. Your opinion is important to us, and we ask that...

Kindergarten Round-Up for the 2021-2022 School Year

Dear Becker Community, Please join us for our Kindergarten Round-Up on Thursday, March 25 at 10:00 a.m. We will be discussing how to enroll your child in kindergarten for next school year, and you will be able to meet our kindergarten teachers and support team at...

Screening Protocol for students entering the school

Screening Protocol for students entering the school

Dear Becker Parents, As you know, students will begin to enter the school building for learning labs beginning tomorrow, Thursday, February 18. Learning labs will be scheduled by your child's teacher. Please be sure to go through the checklist each time before your...

Parent Letter for Hybrid Return to School Plan

Greetings Becker Families,                     February 17, 2021 As we plan our return to school, we are excited to see all of our wonderful Becker Elementary students back in the building. We have worked tirelessly for a safe and smooth transition. Below is important...

Online Safe Box

Being bullied? Want to report an unsafe or potentially dangerous situation? Please fill out this anonymous form.

Click here: Safe Voice Form

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.

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