Dear Parents, Please click on the link to take the following survey. We really need your feedback. Parent/Family Survey Link Thank you, Mrs. Zreik
Zahra Zreik

District Spelling Bee Students
Congratulations to Malak Berro, Hussien Diab and Nora Alnamer for representing our school at the official Spelling Bee last night. They shined on stage and stood proud as they competed with students in every elementary school across our district. We are so proud of...
Virtual Talent Show
Becker Students! Here is an example of a talent show submission. This is Mrs. Reed and her music teacher friend, Mrs. Bagnall, playing "Mission Impossible". Post your video into Flipgrid to share your special talent.

February Students of the Month
Congratulations to our students for being recognized for Student of the Month in February, 2022.
Important Parent Survey About School Start Time
Dear Parent/Guardian, We want to hear from you. This survey is to help us understand the quality of services provided to learners and their families. The survey results can be used to support the continuous improvement process and revisit school...
COVID-19 Case Identification
DATE: 2/28/2022 TO: Becker Community FROM: Becker School Principal RE: COVID-19 Case Identification This report is on Coronavirus (Covid-19) case(s) at Becker today. This letter is informational only; The virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to spread...
Free Bagged Lunch on March 1st
We are happy to offer bagged lunch for interested students on March 1st. Parents should sign up on the form below. Bagged lunches can be picked up at Woodworth on March 1st between 10:00 and 11:00 for everyone that requests one on the link below. ...
Vaccine Clinic at Becker Today, Feb. 16 from 3-7:00 p.m.
Dear Parents, Becker will host a vaccine clinic today from 3:00-7:00 pm in the gym. Please stop in for a flu shot, or covid-19 shot if you need one. Please enter from the back doors near the playground. Gift cards will be handed out to all who come in for a vaccine....
Covid-19 Case Identification
DATE: Feb 10, 2022 TO: Becker Elementary School FROM:Ms Zreik, Principal RE: COVID-19 Case Identification A confirmed case of coronavirus (Covid-19) has been identified at school. This letter is informational only; no further action is required for...