We are sharing an update for students and parents regarding the Sora app, which is again available to district students. Through Sora, students are able to see books available through the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services provided by the Dearborn Public...
Christopher Kenniburg
Seeking Parent Representatives for 24-25 Professional Development Committee
Dearborn Public Schools is looking for interested parents to join the district Professional Development Committee. The first meeting is planned for Tuesday, March 19 from 4:30-5:30 on Zoom. From there, we will form 3-4 subcommittees that will meet on April 30th to...
Strategic Plan Invitation – Dearborn Schools 2023
Greetings, We are in the process of renewing Dearborn’s strategic plan. Strategic planning is a process in which our district leaders define their vision for the future and identify goals and objectives for the next three to five years. The process includes...
STEM Middle School Admissions
For the incoming 6th grade class for the 22-23 school year, STEM will keep the traditional entry criteria for 45 out of 60 available seats thru a lottery based on meeting the below criteria: NWEA READING - 8OTH Percentile = 223NWEA MATH - 80TH Percentile = 232 For the...
Becker Elementary Power Issues – September 23, 2021
Becker is closed due to a power outage. Students do not attend school today. This is only for Becker Elementary School. All other students must report to school. Staff from these three schools will receive more reporting details from their supervisor...