Registration for the Dearborn Public Schools GSRP Preschool program is now open for the 2014-15 school year. Parents with a child turning 4 years of age by December 1, 2014 can obtain an application at the Student Services Department, 18400 Audette, Dearborn. 48124, or at the following locations: Cotter Early Childhood Center, McCollough Elementary, Salina Elementary, Whitmore-Bolles Elementary or right here at Becker Elementary. GSRP Preschool is a free half-day or full day program for children who qualify for entry according to State of Michigan guidelines.
We would like for ALL of our students at Becker to have a preschool experience prior to kindergarten! Please inquire, and tell your neighbors!
Call Becker for more information @ 313-827-6950, or pick up a brochure in the office.