Iris Becker Elementary

February 2019 Newsletter



               Home of the Bearcats! A 2017 Blue Ribbon School

Dear Parents,

Our students have now completed their NWEA testing. Be sure to review their report cards and familiarize yourself with their NWEA scores that have been included on their report card this semester. Students should be demonstrating a growth in their score. If you should notice that your child’s score dropped significantly, we highly encourage you to meet with your child’s teacher to better understand how to specifically assist your son or daughter. Our mission at Becker Elementary is to work collaboratively with you to help your children reach their optimal potential. Our ongoing efforts strive to continuously bridge the achievement gap and ensure that every student is functioning at or above grade level. You are always welcome to come in and see me to further assist you. Thank you to all parents for attending our Honor Roll assembly on Monday, February 4th. Your support continues to encourage the students to reach for excellence. Congratulations to all students who were recognized for either an Honor Roll or Significant Growth award. It is evident that you are all working extremely hard and continue to demonstrate outstanding core values.

The World-class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) test has now begun. During the month of February through March 22nd, the WIDA test will be administered for students in grades kindergarten through fifth. This test helps to assess students on the academic language of language arts, math, science and social studies. Students will be assessed in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Some tips that will help encourage your child to be successful on this test include the following:  

Before the Test:

*Develop a positive attitude. Tell yourself, “I will do my best on this test.”

*Get a good night’s sleep the night before the test.

*Get up early enough to avoid hurrying to get ready for school.

*Eat a healthy breakfast.

During the Test:

*Relax and stay calm.

* Listen carefully to the directions the teacher gives.

*Ask questions if you don’t understand what to do.

*Read each question carefully. Find the key words. Try to figure out what the question is really     


*Read the entire question and look at all the answer choices.

*Use strategies you learned in class to figure out the answer

*Take your time picking the best answer. Do not rush!

*Go back and recheck your answers when you are done

Please make it a habit to check your child’s school work and/or planner. Teacher blogs are a great way to know what is happening on a daily basis. All students should be reading a minimum of 30 minutes a night. This is very important to help improve comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. Lastly, we continue to notice more and more students still coming in late to school or are repeatedly absent. As a reminder, school begins promptly at 8:35 a.m. It is critical that students are here consistently and on time in order to get the most out of their school day. If a child is going to be absent, we have an Automated Calling System that will contact you in regards to your child/children’s absences. The system will be calling home at 10:00 a.m. If your child checks in late to school, you must excuse them otherwise you will receive a call. Please continue to call the school at 313-827-6950 to excuse your child in the morning if he/she is going to be absent, no later than 8:30 a.m. Any absence that is not excused by the parents before school starts, will result in the system calling home. Additionally, please make sure you inform the school office with any updated phone information as soon as changes occur so we can update the emergency card.We always appreciate your cooperation and efforts in working with us to do what is best for children. Together, we can help our children succeed.


Zahra Zreik                                  


Becker Elementary   

 Morning Supervision:                                                                                                                                           

As a reminder, Becker students are not to arrive to school until 8:00 a.m for breakfast, unless they are coming in for morning tutoring. We do not have supervisors available to monitor students who come in before that. Students will be required to stand outside unless it is raining, snowing, or below 20 degrees. We want to remind parents they are not permitted to walk children into the building to their classroom.  We want to help our students build independence. Please note  breakfast runs from 8:00-8:25 a.m.

Dismissal Time:                                                                                                                                                  

Lately, we have noticed that many parents are starting to arrive to school before dismissal to pick up their child.When parents are in the hallway before the end of the school day, it becomes difficult for the teachers to keep students focused. Students become distracted when they see parents in the hallways. Teachers are instructed to walk all students outside at dismissal time. We would like all parents to wait either in their cars or outside their child’s exit door.  

Additionally, please adhere to the traffic safety laws when picking up your child. Students should never cross the street unless it is at a crosswalk. If you see your child, please do not wave or signal to him/her to run across the middle of the street to your car. With the influx of cars in the street, drivers may not see your child. Please encourage your children to always cross at a designated crosswalk. Lastly, if you are available to volunteer and assist with traffic and crossing please contact the office. We are in need of your support.

Appropriate Dress

We ask that you require your child to come to school wearing a coat. We’re noticing that some students are repeatedly leaving their coats/ jackets behind in school.  We will continue to remind them but ask you to support us by coming to school to look through the Lost and Found bin located in the main lobby. Students will be required to go out for recess daily if the weather permits. Students will not be allowed to wait in the building unless the temperature is 20 degrees or below.                                                                       

Response to Bullying:

Bullying is a global problem. At Becker, we are proactive in addressing bullying by speaking to our students and holding school assemblies throughout the year. You can help to support us by ensuring that you report any issues your child may be facing at school so we can help address them.         

Additionally, please speak to your children about what it feels like to be a bully toward others. Many times, children may not realize how their actions affect others. Please contact your child’s teacher or principal if you have any questions, and we will be happy to talk to you about ways you can address these issues.  

Congratulations to our January Students of the Month

May Berry-Kdg – Ali Ali

Katrina Case-Kdg – Misk Qasem

Sukna Bazzi-1st- Hussein Mohsen

Ana Gomez-1st- Ahlam Algahmi

Kristin Koss 2nd – Bassam Fardoun

Maggie Salame 2nd- Aliskander Jaafar

Tanya Jabra 2nd- Sarah Alnaser

Tanya Jabra 3rd- Layla Dakhlallah

Sara Alhaschemy 3rd- Musa Sofyan

Diana Harb -3rd- Adel Musaed

Mariam Berry 4th- Hussien Allami

Fatemh Reslan 4th- Auhood Algahmi

Nahida Islam 5th – Mehdi Alhasnawi

Amal Khansa 5th- Hassan Alrubai

Mark Your Calendar!

Feb. 4 WIDA Testing Begins for students in grades k-5
Feb 5 Chess Tournament after school at 4:00 p.m. (gym)
Feb 6

Late Start – School Begins at 9:35 a.m.

Basketball Tournament after school

Feb. 7 PTA Monthly Meeting
Feb 8 No Kindergarten Students
Feb. 11-14 Valentine Store Open for All Students
Feb. 11 Monthly Parent Meeting at 8:45 AM
Feb. 12 Chess Tournament at Snow School 4:00 p.m.
Feb. 14 Half-Day All Students – Dismissal at 11:45 a.m.
Feb. 15-18 No School – Mid Winter Break
Feb. 21 Pre-K Parent Meeting 8:40 a.m.