Creating Behavior Expectations
We have a district Student Conduct Policy which we reinforce through encouraging positive behavior and guiding students to practice our Core Values (Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Courtesy and Citizenship). We will also focus on our Response to Bullying Behavior by teaching and encouraging anti-bullying behaviors. We will also hold three Response to Bullying Behavior assemblies throughout the year.
We need your help in working with your child to practice anti-bullying behaviors and outstanding citizenship skills. We ask that you support our efforts and follow up at home by reinforcing rules and procedures. Please attend all of our parent meetings and find out more information about our school’s policies.
SAFETY: Student perception of school safety is associated with violence in schools (Gottfredson & Skroban, 1996). When students perceive their school to be a dangerous place, they are more likely to engage in problematic behaviors that they view are necessary for their personal safety. Safety should be the number one concern of school staff as students cannot learn unless there is a perception of safety. It is the right of all students, parents, and staff members to be safe from danger, risk, or injury in the school environment. Safety does not “just happen.” It is incumbent upon each person to contribute to safety in our community and in all areas of our school. If you witness an unsafe situation, report it.
RESPONSIBILITY: A core value of our district; the ability to act and/or make decisions on one’s own without supervision. It is an obligation/expectation to carry forward a task to a successful end. Those practicing responsibility will think before acting, expect accountability for his/her actions, will admit mistakes and plan for correction of those mistakes. In the words of Henry Ward Beecher, an abolitionist, “Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you, never excuse yourself.”
RESPECT: It is the ability to show honor, esteem, and consideration for others. It is the ability to show compassion toward others. Respect for others is closely related to respect for oneself. Those who lack self-respect usually do not give respect to others. Respect is important to give and to receive. It shows that you think the other person has value and importance. It is an unspoken communication that occurs between people. It is an attitude as well as a personal quality, an important “ingredient” of life.
Student Procedures- All students are expected to follow these procedures to ensure the safety of all.
ATTENDANCE Procedures:
- If a student is going to be absent for an excused reason (illness, funeral, doctor appointment, or family obligations), the parent should call the office by 9:05 A.M. stating the name, the reason, and the length of absence. If parents don’t call, the student office will call home. If parents are not reached or if they don’t have any information about their child, the student office will call the Student Services Office and the police.
- If a student needs to leave the school during the day for an excused reason, the secretary will call home and the parents must come to school to pick up their child. When the student is ready to leave, he/she should report to the student office to check out and meet his/her parent. If parents are not reached, the student must stay in school.
- If a student is late and arrived to school past 9:05 a.m. they must be accompanied by a parent to sign them in.
- Under no circumstances should the student leave the school without notifying the office. Otherwise, he/she is considered to be skipping.
- If the absence is more than 2 days, parents may request assignments from teachers.
- Students are picked up by their teacher at 8:55 A.M. and must be ready to begin class by 9:00 A.M.
- Students will leave school property by 3:55 P.M.
- Parents will wait by designated doors outside the building to pick up their children.
- The only students allowed entering the building before 8:55 a.m. must have a building pass from their teacher/tutor or principal unless they are going to breakfast.
- Students may go down for breakfast through the side doors (nearest to the cafeteria) ONLY, no earlier than 8:20 a.m.
- In case of severe weather, students will be allowed to line up in the cafeteria.
- Students are to exit the building with their teachers at 3:55 P.M. using the exit door nearest to their classroom.
- Students may not walk to classrooms to pick up younger siblings.
- All work is to be turned in on time. Parents will be notified when homework is neglected.
- Student work must be kept in a folder according to teacher requirements.
- Students are expected to strive for quality work.
- Students are responsible for getting all work they missed while absent.
Student Planners (2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade)
- Every student in 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade will be given a homework planner.
- Students are expected to record any and all assignments/tests in this book.
- Teachers are encouraged to communicate with parents by making comments in the homework planner.
- Parents are expected to check this planner for assignments and information regarding school procedures and sign to confirm completion of assignments and or awareness of school information. Planners should have parent’s signature on a daily basis.
The Becker School dress code is based on what is considered to be “safe and appropriate” for school. We expect our students to dress in a modest way that avoids distraction and supports an atmosphere for learning.
All footwear must be securely attached to the foot both in front and back. Crocs are not permitted for student safety.
- Pants and shorts should fit at the waist and be worn at the waist. No ripped Jeans.
- The bottom of the top garment and the top of the lower garment worn must meet and overlap or be tucked inside one another.
- Students are expected to dress in such a manner that they will not be disruptive nor infringe upon the health and safety of themselves or others. Parents are reminded that student behavior improves as dress improves.
- Students are expected to exhibit cleanliness and good taste in personal appearance.
- Students who are not dressed according to the weather will not participate in recess especially in the cold weather.
Anything worn in the hair must be coordinated with the outfit. Hats, bandanas or visors will not be worn.
- Students will proceed quickly to the nearest exit under the guidance of their current teacher.
- From there, students will proceed to the designated area across the street under the guidance of their current teacher.
- In an event that a fire drill should occur during lunch or change of classes students are expected to proceed Quietly & Calmly to the nearest exit and go directly to their monitor.
- Students are expected to leave all belongings in the room and proceed QUIETLY and calmly to the designated area.
- Sit on the floor, away from windows and glass.
- Place your hands over your head, head drawn to the knees and pull your knees to your chest. SIT QUIETLY!
- After the bell rings, proceed quietly back to class.
Cell Phone Procedures
Cell phones are not permitted at Becker Elementary. If students are caught with a cell phone, it will be confiscated until the end of the school year.